Video Compression


You have hevc-file composed of several temporal layers (temporal scalability). Most of players would play all layers. However, OpenHEVC can be configured to play the base layer or two layers.

How to clone and to build OpenHEVC for Windows: 
git clone
cd openHEVC
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64
Open Visual Studio solution openHEVC.sln in the build directory. Build the solution (don’t panic if some projects are not built), go to openHEVC\bin\libav_w64  and run ‘hevc_libav_win64.exe‘ with the switch ‘-t 0’ to play base layer (‘-t 1’ to play two temporal layers etc.):
hevc_libav_win64.exe -i three.h265 -t 0
frame= 59 fps= 8 time=7.23 video_size= 2688x1520

hevc_libav_win64.exe -i three.h265 -t 1
frame= 113 fps= 13 time=9.01 video_size= 2688x1520

hevc_libav_win64.exe -i three.h265 -t 2
frame= 226 fps= 17 time=13.16 video_size= 2688x1520

libav_w64 uses SDL.dll (located at the exe-file folder) to play video.



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