Banach-Tarski Theorem and Philosopher’s stone or How Become Billionaire
Banach-Tarski Theorem says:
“It is possible to decompose a solid sphere into a finite number of pieces, which can then be reassembled to create two spheres identical to the original”
In other words, if you have a golden brick, then you can decompose it in a very peculiar way into a finite number of pieces and then reassemble the pieces in another peculiar way to build TWO golden bricks with the same mass and volume as the original. This is the Philosopher’s stone.
Thus, you can reproduce thousands of golden bricks from a single one!!!
There is one subtle problem in the decomposition process itself. The pieces should be non-measurable sets and non-measurable sets don’t exist in the physical world, such things exist only in the mind of mathematicians.
Therefore you can VIRTUALLY create multitude of gold bricks from the original, only VIRTUALLY.

23+ years’ programming and theoretical experience in the computer science fields such as video compression, media streaming and artificial intelligence (co-author of several papers and patents).
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