WebP2 Image Coding Format

WebP2 is a successor of WebP, it’s reported that WebP2 enables to reduce the bit-size by 30% without compromising visual quality. Getting and Compilation of WebP2 Codec (in Windows) Sources of WebP2 (encoder and decoder, plus various utilities) git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/codecs/libwebp2 Upon cloning WepB2 you should perform the following steps: 1) go to the directory […]
Python Script To Get Info on Cookies

A cookie is a small piece of data that the server sends in a Set-Cookie header as a part of the response in HTTP (or HTTPS). The client stores cookies locally and includes them in any future requests that are sent to the server. Thus, servers use cookies to track a client, its history etc. […]
Python Script To Download RFC Document

All internet protocols are specified in a special document, called RFC, moreover all RFCs are located at https://www.ietf.org/rfc/, for example UDP is specified by RFC 768. I wrote a script to download RFC document according to its number, download_rfc.py Usage: download_rfc.py [options] Options: -n RFC number -o output rfc-file in txt-format […]
How Encode/Transcode/Decode HEVC/H.264 by NVIDIA with ffmpeg

Content Sanity Checks Encoding HEVC Encode H264 Encode Transcoding Decoding Sanity Checks First of all you need check that ffmpeg supports nvenc (access to nvidia hw encoder), you merely type ‘ffmpeg’ in the command line and check –enable-nvenc is present in the configuration list: ffmpeg ffmpeg version git-2020-07-21-b5f1e05 Copyright (c) 2000-2020 […]
How get better motion vector predictors with trained Neural Network (for HEVC)?

How get better motion vector predictors with trained Neural Network (for HEVC)? Slava23+ years’ programming and theoretical experience in the computer science fields such as video compression, media streaming and artificial intelligence (co-author of several papers and patents). the author is looking for new job, my resume Donate videonerd.website
VQ Analyzer: Review from Video Codec Practitioner

Author: Shevach Riabtsev About […]
Reliable Video Coding for Medical Imaging

Definition: telemedicine is the remote provision of healthcare services that is done by transferring medical data on communication channels. Example: pre-hospital remote guidance to the in-ambulance paramedical staff from a physician. Slides: Reliable Video Coding for Medical Imaging Lecture record […]
Philosophy for SW Engineers

Bear in mind that Absence of Evidence of SW product malfunction does not always mean Evidence of Absence: We commonly can’t say with 100% confidence whether a SW Product is “bug-free” or not. Notice that i deliberately put the word ‘commonly’, because there are few cases when all potential (or expected) input data fed to […]
On motion vectors over picture boundaries (or unrestricted MV mode)

History: The unrestricted motion vector mode appeared already in H.263 video standard (the predecessor of h264/avc, as extension “Unrestricted Motion Vectors”). The idea of Unrestricted Motion Vectors is not new. To best my recollection the first serious description of Unrestricted Motion Vectors was in the paper “Image and Video Coding—Emerging Standards and Beyond“, by Barry […]
Hierarchical B-Frames or B-Pyramid

General What’s Hierarchical B-Frame Mode or B-pyramid (notice that in my opinion B-pyramid is a bad term)? If there is a run of B frames and some B-frames in the run are used for backward reference for some other B frames – then this mode is called Hierarchical B-Frames Coding or B-pyramid. The following figure […]